Comrade Physioprof's witty post titled Rejection of Reality in its entirety:
Rational response to terrorism necessarily includes giving serious consideration to the fact that *our* actions as the biggest imperial military power on Earth have a massive influence on the *desire* of wackaloon nutjobs to blow themselves to smithereens while taking out one of our civilian aircraft. Of course, this consideration is absolute taboo in our depraved and toxic political culture because ARE YOU SAYING AMERKUH *DESERVES* TO BE ATTACKED??!?!?!?!!111!!!1!!!!???!!?!?!???
Yeah. (sigh)
A fellow named Thomas Joseph replies: Ok, so we’ve now come to this realization? Now what the fuck are we, your average citizen, supposed to do about it?
And here was my reply:Thomas Joseph, organize marches on the Pentagon, as in the old days? Oh wait, you need to have a draft army for that kind of indignation, yes?
And I am repeating my comment here, because yes, I meant it.
Didn’t anybody learn anything from Richard Nixon?
Here it is:
Re-institute the draft; ALL overseas adventures will henceforth require 100% military conscription for every able-bodied person, up to the current age-limit (which I believe is 42?), no deferments except for pregnancy (major baby-boom will be an unfortunate but temporary side effect), medical personnel and EMTs, cops, fire-fighters and a few other occupations. NO DEFERMENTS FOR COLLEGE and certainly, NO DEFERMENTS for intellectual jobs. In fact, if I may sound like Chairman Mao for a moment, I’d ship all the neocon book editors out to Afghanistan FIRST.
One thing the American people are quite populist about, is the make-up of the military and how the affluent avoid service. The loudest people objecting will BE the affluent, which is why hardly anyone in congress has kids in the military.
Follow these directives, and ALL soldiers from ALL overseas adventures (including Korea, et. al.) will be home by lunchtime.
I’m just sayin.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
How to stop the war (and future wars too)
Posted by
Daisy Deadhead
2:23 PM
Labels: Afghanistan, Iraq war, peace, politics, populism, terrorism, US military