Yes, quite spectacular and lots of fun on a big screen. But as a diehard fan of the late Theodore Sturgeon, I confess I was upset that Spock and Uhura seem to be all lovey-dovey without the proper ritual of Pon Farr.
Honestly. Is nothing sacred?
For further commentary, particularly on the characterization of Uhura in the new Star Trek movie:
Star Trek, Uhura and Structures of Authority (Female Impersonator)
Uhura in the new Star Trek movie (Feministing Community)
Kirking Out (Racialicious)
Star Trekking In Search of a Strong Female Character (Rebellious Jezebel Blogging)
Open thread: the new Star Trek movie (The Hathor Legacy)
And this is funny!
Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'