Left: President-Elect Barack Obama at Furman University, during the South Carolina primary. Photo from Greenville News. (This is one of my favorite photos of Obama, and I love that it was taken locally.)
South Carolina went for McCain early, as I said last night. Nonetheless, I stayed up late, late, late, waiting for North Carolina to go for Obama. The jury is still out; they are still tallying the votes. Of course, I also stayed up to watch Barack Obama's acceptance speech.
Michelle was beaming, the girls beaming. They are the ones who made me cry, actually. Their joy and happiness was contagious indeed.
I was driving yesterday on Pelham Road in Greenville, when some guy in a fancy-ass Lexus started tailgating me and giving me the finger. At the intersection of Patewood and Pelham, turning left, he started honking at me to turn. It's a very busy intersection, and I was waiting for the green arrow-light. Looking in my rear view mirror, I saw him yelling and gesturing wildly. He looked like the actor Rene Auberjonois, and for a second, I thought it might actually be him. (Lots of people retire in South Carolina, so it isn't an outlandish idea. I reflexively thought, go back to Hollywood, asshole!)
I've been especially frazzled and rushed lately, and as a result, I am currently not the most centered person. (I try, I really do, as Billy Jack so memorably said.) I got pissed and stubbornly refused to turn until I got the green arrow, and yelled FUCK YOU so that he could read my lips. After turning, he passed me in the right lane. I gave him the finger as he passed. He then jumped into my lane and slowed down. I actually thought he was gonna jump out of his Lexus on Patewood Drive and commence to open a can of whup-ass on me. Yes, locals will realize, this was right in front of St Francis hospital... I guess we wouldn't have far to go to the ER if we ended up in a fistfight, huh?
But I was flabbergasted. Whaaaaa!?!? WTF? I couldn't figure out the tantrum, which seemingly came out of nowhere. And then I remembered my ANOTHER MAMA FOR OBAMA bumper sticker. (I didn't think a "Go vegetarian!" bumper sticker could possibly make him that angry, but you know, I could be wrong.) HAH! UPSET, ARE WE!? Most of the south went red yesterday, which made me sad, although it was far closer than it's been in decades. But I guess Mr Lexus knew which way the tide was turning, and he was agitated. TOO, TOO BAD!
I am wondering if anyone else experienced that kind of thing yesterday, harassment and unbridled assholery from sore losers. Particularly here in the red states.
Time to celebrate! In this song, the phrase "rock the boat" was widely assumed to be "rock the vote"--due to the patriotic context. I have always thought the popular slogan "rock the vote" came from this misheard lyric. Or maybe not. But we did it, huh? :)
If only my mother, my grandmother, Steve Conliff, Jerry Garcia, so many people, could be present to witness this historic event.
For them, for us, here is -- US BLUES! Thanks to Yoga For Cynics for the idea! (For those who prefer the cleaned-up studio version, click here.)
And Elizabeth Dole LOST! Let's hope she also loses the lawsuit, filed by her opponent (and new Democratic Senator of North Carolina!) Kay Hagan.
I am completely thrilled that the south has a DEMOCRATIC WOMAN SENATOR!!!! KAY KAY ALL THE WAY, KAY KAY ALL THE WAY....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ain't no luck, I learned to duck
Posted by
Daisy Deadhead
10:27 AM
Labels: 2008 Election, Barack Obama, cars, Democrats, Elizabeth Dole, Grateful Dead, Greenville, Jerry Garcia, Kay Hagan, Michelle Obama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Steve Conliff, The Dirty South