Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hanging by a thread

Did anyone see that report last night on MSNBC, about The White Horse Prophecy? It was almost too good to be true.

The White Horse Prophecy is one of those in-group religious things you don't hear about unless you are paying close attention. I would compare it to the Catholic end-times prophecy of The Chastisement, and in fact, I'm amazed how similar all these things tend to be. (During my pseudo-Opus Dei period, I tried mightily to believe in The Chastisement, and couldn't quite get there... but I did enjoy novels about it!)

Apparently, Glenn Beck drops references (dog-whistles) to this well-known Mormon prophecy on his show, and if you aren't already aware of what it is, you are missing it. (I've noticed much of the mainstream media totally misses religious dog-whistling, as they largely missed the antichrist-subtext in that famous anti-Obama commercial.) But this time, they caught Beck quoting it almost verbatim:
"I feel the Constitution is hanging in the balance right now, hanging by a thread unless the good Americans wake up."
The White Horse Prophecy (from link above):
The History of the Church account is an amalgamation of the reports in the Joseph Smith Diary and the Nauvoo Neighbor. The report by Levi Richards is here published for the first time. A reminiscent account of this discourse by James Burgess contains the essential details found in the other three accounts published here, and adds that the "Constitution and Government would hang by a brittle thread."

In the month of May 1843. Several miles east of Nauvoo. The Nauvoo Legion was on parade and review. At the close of which Joseph Smith made some remarks upon our condition as a people and upon our future prospects contrasting our present condition with our past trials and persecutions by the hands of our enemies. Also upon the constitution and government of the United States stating that the time would come when the Constitution and Government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the Latter day Saints will step forth and save it.

So this is what Beck believes is his calling, no doubt.

For the record, I am sticking to my prediction, about the flame-out of Biblical (or should I say, Book of Mormon) proportions. He's come close a few times now, but his handlers seem to go in and rescue him at regular intervals, perhaps administering Thorazine. In any event, I am still waiting patiently for the entertaining and massive flame-out I know is destined to happen. Alcoholics with end-times obsessions?! CAN YOU SAY "Mel Gibson"? I knew you could.

:: In other news, mega-rich George Soros just gave Media Matters a million dollars, and Beck said "You're welcome" to Media Matters.


And Politico has just reported that Sarah Palin is a mess, more or less:
According to multiple Republican campaign sources, the former Alaska governor wreaks havoc on campaign logistics and planning. She offers little notice about her availability, refuses to do certain events, is obsessive about press coverage and sometimes backs out with as little lead time as she gave in the first place.

In short, her seat-of-the-pants operation can be a nightmare to deal with, which, in part, explains why Palin doesn’t often do individual events for GOP hopefuls.

It’s not that Palin issues outlandish, rock-starlike demands such as certain-colored M&M’s in the greenroom. At the events Palin does attend, officials say, she’s no diva. Kind and courteous is the more frequent description.

But the high-maintenance aspects of dealing with the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee have angered and frustrated some conservative candidates and aides who once thought highly of Palin and, for more skeptical Republicans, simply reconfirmed their view that she’s self-centered and unhelpful to the cause.
Wow, ya think? Are you people just waking up to that fact?

They can work with her stupidity, but for godsake, no prima donnas in the GOP!