Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't Cry for me Argentina

Undoubtedly, when our disappearing Governor Mark Sanford heard about the infamous "Naked Hiking Day" that coincides with the Summer Solstice, he decided a change-of-venue was in order... that is, the story changes, once again.

Now, we learn that our disappearing governor was vacationing incommunicado in Argentina for 5 days. As Dead Air proclaimed correctly, he was not hiking the Appalachian trail. (Although the "Naked Hiking Day" thing was oodles of fun to think about, and photographers fanned out all over the trail, looking for the Governor in the buff.)

Report: Gov. Sanford was in Argentina, not hiking trail
The Associated Press • June 24, 2009

ATLANTA (AP) — South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford is telling a newspaper that he was in Argentina during his unexplained 5-day absence, not hiking along the Appalachian Trail as his office previously said.

The Republican told The State newspaper in South Carolina that he arrived at the Atlanta airport Wednesday.

Sanford says he decided at the last minute to go to the South American country. The governor says he had considered hiking on the Appalachian Trail but wanted to do something "exotic."

Sanford says he returned after a five-day absence because the trip turned into more of a fuss than he ever expected.
The most wonderful facet of this whole fiasco has been the complete demolition of Sanford's presidential hopes. THANK GOD. The GOP will never nominate someone like this... or would they? (((thinks about Dubya and Sarah Palin)))

At least, if they do nominate him (doubtful at this juncture) the disappearing-Governor routine would make for a great attack ad. Voiceover: (picture of Buenos Aires) Governor Sanford disappeared for five days during Naked Hiking Day. Why?

Stay tuned, sports fans, the story can only get better!