Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine flu lesson: STOP BUTCHERING ANIMALS!!!!

The swine flu epidemic is all over the news. And I am wondering: how did a swine virus get into humans?

Now, why would we be associating with SWINE? Umm, let me guess.

I went to the CDC website and I am informed:

Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans. However, sporadic human infections with swine flu have occurred. Most commonly, these cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs (e.g. children near pigs at a fair or workers in the swine industry). In addition, there have been documented cases of one person spreading swine flu to others. For example, an outbreak of apparent swine flu infection in pigs in Wisconsin in 1988 resulted in multiple human infections, and, although no community outbreak resulted, there was antibody evidence of virus transmission from the patient to health care workers who had close contact with the patient.
"Swine industry"--doncha love these half-assed euphemisms the pork industry employs? HA! Industry?!? You mean, the death industry?

Do you mean KILLING the swine, like, for meat?

Does this mean, none of this would be happening, if people didn't BUTCHER PIGS TO EAT?

(((pauses for dramatic effect))) (((lets this realization sink in))))

Eating meat is disgusting. Raising pigs for slaughter is GROSS. Factory farming is unnatural, filthy and horrific, and a sin before Almighty God. And when you mess with the almighty, this is the kind of thing that happens. (Will you meat-eaters learn from this, at long last?)

Why aren't news reports properly focusing on butchering animals for meat as the cause of this epidemic, rather than babbling about the Mexicans?

Ohhhh, probably because it's all carnivores reporting the news, hm?

More on the flu:

Mexican Schools Shut as Epidemic Hits 'Critical' Point (Washington Post)

Cases confirmed in Asia, Middle East as virus spreads beyond Mexico (MSNBC)

Swine Flu: Chicago's Mexican Community Prepares, School Bans Handshakes (Huffington Post)

H1N1 (Alas, a blog)

PS: Leave the pigs alone, and I bet we won't catch their nasty germs. How about it?

EDITED TO ADD (for strong stomachs only!): Swine Flu: Smithfield Foods' statement vs. the ugly truth (Cogitamus)