Monday, February 9, 2009

Another reason Lindsey Graham is on my last good nerve

Senator Lindsey Graham never stops running his mouth. Photo by George Gardner of the GREENVILLE NEWS.

In addition to being an annoyingly hypocritical right-wing closet case, he is voting against the stimulus:

Graham plans to vote against Obama's stimulus plan

By Jenny Munro • BUSINESS WRITER • February 9, 2009 • GREENVILLE NEWS

Calling the proposed $827 billion stimulus plan "an orgy of government spending," Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said today he plans to vote against the legislation when it comes up for a vote, probably Tuesday.

Graham said he’s received plenty of calls from South Carolinians who said they don’t know what to believe about the legislation.

"I believe we need a stimulus package. I believe we need to do more than cut taxes. We need to spend," he said during a Greenville press conference before returning to Washington, D.C. But this legislation is much too large and "is a spending bill, not a jobs creation bill."

He said a major disappointment "is that little in this bill deals with housing," he said. "Until you get housing stabilized, prices stabilized and banks working, you won’t stimulate the economy."

The Obama administration is likely to return to Congress in the future, requesting at least $500 billion more for housing and banks, he said. If that occurs, he plans to suggest that the stimulus bill be reopened so some of the money can be directed toward those sectors.

Graham said he favors extending food stamps, extending unemployment benefits, beginning shovel-ready infrastructure projects, cutting taxes for businesses so they can create jobs and providing general aid to states.

"This package failed in every way," including creating a bipartisan environment, he said. "Count me in for stimulating the economy and creating new jobs. Count me out for growing the government."

The real problem, he said, is that "nobody’s thinking about the future." He said he fears that future generations of Americans might be the first that won’t have a reason to expect to fare better than their parents.
The #1 Republican attack dog is, pardon expression, FULL OF SHIT.

Any comments on the stimulus or on Graham? Have at it, my lovelies.

Listening to: Nada Surf - Your Legs Grow
via FoxyTunes