Monday, December 1, 2008

Odds and Sods - Just an old sweet song edition...

The horrific Saxby Chambliss TV ads are running every 5 minutes in the Atlanta metro area. Over the holidays, thought I would end up slitting my wrists.

The Georgia Senatorial run-off election is tomorrow, which accounts for the wall-to-wall advertising:

Georgia voters head to the polls Tuesday to determine whether the Democratic dream of a filibuster-resistant Senate is still alive.

They’ll be voting in the closely watched Senate race between Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss and Democrat Jim Martin, which could give Democrats their 59th Senate seat. The Minnesota Senate race, between Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken, has not yet been decided.

Chambliss won 49.8 percent of the vote to Martin’s 46.8 percent on Election Day, but he fell about 8,000 votes short of the majority needed to prevent a runoff.

Chambliss has framed the race as a firewall to prevent unchecked Democratic power, while Martin has closely associated himself with President-elect Barack Obama in hopes of rallying Democrats to the polls in an election that will hinge on which side can turn out its core supporters.

On Monday, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin became the latest high-wattage politician to campaign in Georgia as she traveled the state with Chambliss.

“The eyes of the nation are on you,” Palin told several thousand supporters at a rally in Augusta. “We all have Georgia on our mind.”
The current spate of TV commercials are MEAN, vicious, low-down, old-school dirty politics, wherein the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) claims Martin was "one of three to vote against making it a felony to solicit a child for prostitution," which isn't the truth (see link).

Remember, this is the same unprincipled, unethical politician who won by accusing his opponent, disabled veteran Max Cleland, of lacking patriotism, so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. But the sheer spectacle is embarrassing and awful, as is the possibility that Chambliss could be re-elected.


National March for Sex Workers Rights! is
Dec. 17, 2008 in Washington DC!

Read more at Ren's (above link) or at Sex Workers Outreach Project.

Also, I'd like to give a shout-out to a sex-worker blog that is new to my blogroll, Star Light Ministries!

Welcome to Deadland, yall!


Let's hope HEROES won't get too maudlin with the disability theme tonight. For those who don't follow the series, Daphne, speedy female version of The Flash, amidst many twists and turns of the narrative, has morphed into someone who walks with crutches. Alas, she is pretty melodramatic about it, and I'm crossing my fingers mightily that this (intriguing) plot twist doesn't turn negative and cliche-ridden, although it threatens to already.

Listening to: Passions - I'm in Love With a German Film Star
via FoxyTunes