Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Live blogging, long lines, Lindsey wins... the Big Day!

Live blogging the election over at FEMINISTE!

A bit overwhelmed by the technology. It's like a chat room, but you are blogging. WILD! I am flattered to be included.

Also, check out Lotus's excellent rant about the election process in the US. Having just stood in line an hour and a half, I can relate:
It has been said any number of times but it merits repeating: If the US were a "third world" nation, we would condemn our election system as a travesty.

It is a disgrace. An utter, shameful, disgrace. And this doesn't have a damn thing to do with who you want to win or whether you are content with two parties (I'm not) or urge support of third, fourth, fifth parties to keep the ideas flowing (I do). It has nothing to do with pulling the lever or filling in the oval or whatever for Barack Obama or Cynthia McKinney or Ralph Nader or, hell, Bob Barr.

Having to stand in line for five, six, even eight hours in order to vote is unacceptable. More than merely unacceptable: It is a threat to the very concept of the vote. Again, this has nothing to do with being capitalist or socialist, blue or red or Green. It has to do with having a functioning republic.
Preach it, preach it!

In election results, John McCain has just taken my state, South Carolina, as expected.

And his #1 lackey, Senator Lindsey Graham has handily won re-election.

Listening to: Grateful Dead - I Know You Rider
via FoxyTunes