Thursday, May 8, 2008

Rightwing Deadheads?

Left: from

Rightwing Deadheads? An oxymoron, you say. Yeah, I thought so too, but apparently, there are a few. I shoulda known, the very concept of a rightwing Deadhead is a scary thing, and the rightwing facet of that person's identity will invariably overshadow the Deadhead. My question: How can they co-exist? Any ideas?

What other combinations have you encountered that are similarly puzzling? Fascist pacifists? Christians-for-the-USSR? Marilyn Manson fans for McCain?

BACKGROUND: Some right wingnut who claims to be a Deadhead asked ME (note: I did not, and would not have asked HIM) if he could link me (see comments here) even though we disagree politically. I agreed, since I am a very NICE and OPEN MINDED person. However, I didn't link him back, which he didn't ask for.

I have only one 'conservative' (depending on your definition) on my blog roll, and he has been a well-behaved, well-mannered southerner; he writes about state and local politics. I guess I was fooled by my southern gentleman and forgot that most conservatives simply HAVE TO intervene in a coarse and blustery manner and make ongoing pests of themselves, rather as Dubya and Company are presently doing abroad. They confuse their meddlesome ways with actual political opinion.

And so, on this thread, we see him making a general ass of himself. I thought I was very nice, although I did tell him to lighten up and stop hyperventilating. As you can see, he did not argue the facts of what I wrote, since he doesn't know anything. He just fulminated. Fine--as a believer in free speech and an anti-fascist, I don't delete comments unless they are purely obscene (i.e. just asking for blowjobs), or spam running to about 7000 words a post (you know who you are!).

On the aforementioned thread, after I joke that I even let Republicans comment (I do, if they want), Abbaddon climbs onto the soapbox and delivers a speech about His Beliefs:

What makes you think I'm a Republican?

Because I'm not.

I'm not a Christian, either.

Nor am I opposed to same-sex marriage.

Or medicinal marijuana.

Or a woman's right to do with her body as she sees fit.

I am an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment (as all "Liberals" who fear the taking of their rights by the Bush Administration should be but oddly, seem not to be).

I am opposed to appeasement of those who would destroy any human through a peace-at-any-cost policy.

I am a relative pacifist.

I am proud of the US and our collective accomplishments. It is pride born of living in and traveling to some of the worst Third World shitholes on the planet that are governed by corrupt officials that take our money, neglect their people and badmouth us at every turn.

Most "Liberals" I encounter badmouthing this country have never left its borders.

I firmly believe that some people need killing because they are damaged beyond repair.

Is that all anathema to you?

Or just some of it?

Am I a "Republican" in your eyes merely because I take exception to hyperbole borne of an I-hate-all-Republicans-because-I-am= blinded-by-my-hatred-of-George W Bush-attitude?

I have Republican friends, Democrat friends, Libertarian friends and Wiccan friends. I don't judge people based on one aspect of their political point of view. And I don't make assumptions about others based on one aspect of their politics, either.
Note: In all of this fulminating, he does not address the subject of my post or the facts of the case, which was the shootings at Kent State University in 1970. He just goes on and on. (One of the few things I DO NOT hold Dubya accountable for, is Kent State.) Abbadon objects to my characterizations of the Republicans who ordered Martial Law on the Kent State campus (and therefore precipitated murder) as "laying it on thick." And I assumed from this, as well as his pro-war, spoon-fed-from-the-Washington-Times, Kick-Muslim-Ass bloviating over on his blog, that he was a Republican.

Certainly, you can understand that if one comes onto a blog defending Republicans, it is reasonable to assume that you ARE a Republican? If you aren't, and you don't want to be taken for one, how about you STOP ACTING LIKE ONE?

Poor Abbadon is so beside himself at his inability to argue with me, he goes over to his own blog and preens some more about not being a Republican:

Well, maybe not me in this case.

Just for the record, I’m STILL not a Republican.

Not that there’s anything wrong with Republicans.

I’m just tired of people making that assumption because I support our country and our military.

And the Second Amendment. And because I think Obama is an elitist prick who doesn’t deserve my vote.


I’m also tired of “open-minded” liberals AND lefties and closed-minded Righties and self-righteous Christians.

And anyone else that seems to think their way is the only way to roll.
I replied, quite honestly, that HE IS THE ONE who wanted to LINK ME and then comes over here picking a fight. And what does this so-called PRO AMERICAN guy do? What they ALL do, of course: deleted my comment. (It made him cry!) He defends his cowardly action:
Daisy said (in the comment I deleted): Let the record show you came to my site to pick a fight (or some such shit).

No I didn’t. You acted like a nutter when I tried to set the record straight.

Let THE RECORD show I really don’t give a shit at this point.
Set the record straight? You didn't offer a single FACT of the case. How did you try to do that? What a crock of shit. You came to be disruptive, period. Let the record show, that I don't care either, but I can't resist analyzing the peculiar cultural position you are in. I find YOU a perfect example of how confused and fucked up the right wing is these days.

This discontented, mixed-up person claims to be a fan of one of the most leftist, countercultural bands in history, the band that accompanied Ken Kesey, the Merry Pranksters and Owsley across the USA. How is that possible?

TO THE RIGHT WING DEADHEADS (I don't think there are too many, but I guess there are a few confused, ignorant souls, who never understood the lyrics):

The Dead backs Barack Obama, and if you have a problem with that, take it up with them. DO NOT try to bully old hippie women, because you are too scared to take it up with The Big Boys. Okay? Go to (there's the link, I made it easy for you) and post your nonsense there, for all to read.

Do not call yourself a Deadhead, ask to link me for this reason, and then have a temper tantrum because I actually have opinions similar to the GRATEFUL DEAD THEMSELVES. You are the inconsistent, confused one here, not me. Got it?

And cupcake, do not pretend you are pro-American, when you delete dissenting comments that make you cry, okay? Censorship is UNAMERICAN, remember? Do not wrap yourself in the flag and then delete comments: INTRINSIC CONTRADICTION. If you can't handle freedom of speech, Abbadon, please take refuge in one of the male-identified countries in the Middle East that you hate so much--they share your views on censoring women. You should be right at home there.

Reading Abbadon's "open letter to the Grateful Dead" (linked above)--one wonders why he can tolerate dissenting views from the Dead, but not from me or anyone here in Blogdonia. I think they call that acting-out or displacement. He has no control over his world and the people he admires, so he must blame someone else. Whatever, not my fucking problem. Grow up.

Next up, Republicans-Fans-of-Leon-Trotsky, Hookers-for-Huckabee. Play along at home!