Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Odds and Sods - Long Brawl edition

Left: Snoid, by R. Crumb.

Some great writing in mighty, mighty Blogdonia this week, and thought I'd spread the love.

Menstrual Poetry writes that John McCain isn't sure if he supports contraception or not. What's that?

Asked if he supported abstinence-only education in Africa, instead of distributing condoms, McCain said:
“Well I think it’s a combination. The guy I really respect on this is Dr. Coburn [R-Oklahoma]. He believes — and I was just reading the thing he wrote — that you should do what you can to encourage abstinence where there is going to be sexual activity. Where that doesn’t succeed, then he thinks that we should employ contraceptives as well. But I agree with him that the first priority is on abstinence. I look to people like Dr. Coburn. I’m not very wise on it.”
Not very wise on it? Is he wise enough to be president, in that case? GOOD LORD, PEOPLE!


Feministe reports on PETA's latest naked girlies, which is somehow supposed to, umm--well what IS it supposed to do, again? Fire us up so that we will clothe the poor naked animals, or what? As usual, Jill sums up in her usual succinct fashion: "If you want to draw attention to the plight of animals by humanizing them, go for it. But you don’t have to de-humanize women in the process."

Why is this so seemingly-impossible for PETA to understand?

strength never power also offered some excellent commentary, as well as the terrific graphic at left!


And finally, here is Thene at Aaru Tuesday, who quoted MOI (((kisses self dramatically, as the late, great Florynce Kennedy used to do))) in her great piece on Anonymous. I've edited out the name of the website in question, but Thene's original piece has it... I just didn't want a bunch of searches of their name ending up here, since they are um, notoriously very picky about how they are represented in print. Thene writes:
From what I recall of internets culture five years ago, ______ was there and Anonymous wasn't. _____'s big point as a community wasn't the anonymity, it was the anarchy. No limits, no mods or rules to speak of; the anonymity was because ____ was intended as an English-language alternative to 2channel, with anonymising architecture to suit. Rather than being a 'one', 'legion' Anonymous, a then-friend who was one described /b/tards as being a deliberate non-community; a group of people who browsed the same place (and shared an already notably intricate internet dialect) but perceived themselves as being unconnected.
And I am wondering if there is any such thing as people who browse the same place staying unconnected? Can that really happen? What makes us so hungry for the hive-mind, even in the name of REJECTING the hive-mind?


In political news, Hillary Clinton has taken the Ohio and Texas primaries, and's piece today is aptly titled DEMS FACE A LONG BRAWL.

Ugh. Ain't it the truth.

Listening to: Pavement - Date With Ikea
via FoxyTunes