Thursday, January 10, 2008

Huckabee was here

Left: Greenville News photos of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee at Furman University.

Huckabee was here. He went to Spartanburg first, and then on to local upscale Baptist college, Furman University. But first a tour of the Carolina Pregnancy Center, which defines itself as "a small, nonprofit Christian-based facility in Spartanburg that offers programs for women with crisis pregnancies"--which translates as those infamous "sidewalk counselors" who attempt to talk women out of abortion at the last minute.

The fact that he made a point of touring this facility, speaks volumes. He used this backdrop to talk about his pro-life record, which includes passage of an amendment to the Arkansas state constitution officially recognizing that "life begins at conception."

Another message was sent by his choice of Furman University, which is a Baptist college, but not a cultish, backward school like Bob Jones University. (Bob Jones III already endorsed Mitt Romney, which most locals are making fun of, right about now.)

Huckabee's Furman rally was billed as "a rally and jam session"--wherein Huckabee picked up his trademark bass. Reaching out to the kids, and all that.

Huckabee sees state as 'turning point'

Thursday, January 10, 2008 - Greenville News

By Ron Barnett

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee told voters in Spartanburg and Greenville on Wednesday that South Carolina, a state with plenty of evangelical Christian voters such as those who propelled him to victory in Iowa, will be the springboard that launches him to the GOP presidential nomination.

"South Carolina is going to be a turning point in this process, and you're going to be part of a great piece of history," the former Baptist preacher told about 300 people at the Marriott hotel in Spartanburg.

Huckabee's biggest crowd of the day was at Furman University, where 1,500 people crammed into the Younts Conference Center to hear him lay down a booming bass line with a local band on the rock standard "Taking Care of Business" and to hear his vision for the country.

"Over the past few weeks, something truly amazing has happened," he said, referring to his rise in the national polls. "It's not about a campaign. It's about a cause."

Huckabee spoke about the need for ending America’s dependence on foreign oil, which he said is financing both sides in the war on terrorism, and in both events, he drew loud applause with his plan for tax reform and his view on the sanctity of life.

“It is the view I held before I got into politics, not in order to get into politics,” he said, in an apparent jab at Mitt Romney, who supported abortion rights in the past.

Huckabee struck a chord with his Fair Tax proposal, particularly the part that calls for abolishing the IRS. He said the federal tax code is beyond repair.

“We know in the South that if you can’t fix something with WD-40 and duct tape, it can’t be fixed,” he quipped.

Flanked by Mike Campbell, son of former Gov. Carroll Campbell, and former Gov. David Beasley, he downplayed his third-place finish in New Hampshire.

“We haven’t seen anything but snow and ice for the last three weeks,” he said moments after landing at Greenville-Spartanburg Airport. “It sure is good to get down in the South.”

Some people were still trying to make up their minds about him.

Traci Wallace, a physical therapy student at Greenville Technical College, sat in the second row with a spiral-bound notebook in her lap, ready to take notes. “I like him so far,” she said. “I’m really here to see what he has to say about the war and the economy.”

Most of the crowd was already in the Huckabee camp.

Asked what she likes about the candidate, Cindy Jackson said: “Everything.” His faith topped her list.

“He’s a Christian. I know that for sure,” she said, identifying herself as a member of Echo Hills Baptist Church in Greer.

Listening to: Minor Threat - Straight Edge
via FoxyTunes