Friday, July 13, 2007

Ingrid Newkirk is our new Marie Antoinette

Ingrid Newkirk, of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), has just trashed Michael Moore, now under attack by America's right wing, for being fat.

I repeat: Ingrid Newkirk, whom one assumes has very good health insurance, has just attacked Michael Moore, a man on the side of the angels, for being FAT.

I shit you not.

Apparently, Newkirk believes that becoming a vegetarian will make you thin...which I have been waiting to happen for over 10 years now!

"There’s an elephant in the room, and it is you," PETA president Ingrid Newkirk wrote in a letter to Moore.

Newkirk urged the rotund Moore to become a vegetarian, which many nutritionists say is a good way to lose weight, and visit PETA’s Web site for veggie recipes.

Writes Newkirk: "As they say at Nike (sorry!): 'Just do it.'"
I love how she quotes a company that uses both leather and sweatshop labor, there at the end. Bang-up finish!

Is Newkirk claiming that universal health care wouldn't be necessary if everyone was a vegetarian? That is indeed how she sounds.

Does she believe this preposterous bullshit is the way to convert people to vegetarianism?

She makes a vegetarian diet sound like the province of rich people (like her?) who already have guaranteed medical care. Otherwise, she might respond to the substance of Michael Moore's movie SICKO, just released, instead of attacking him relentlessly, as the right-wing media has.

These are the people who make me ashamed to be vegetarian, and give vegetarianism a BAD NAME amongst the working class. Can you say "out of touch with the mainstream"? Good going, PETA!

Let them eat (vegan! dairy-free!) cake, huh Ingrid? And just in time for Bastille Day, too!

PS: Fuck you.